It's hard, as a Midwesterner and Purdue grad, to get too upset about the Big Ten not playing, when it's going to be a minimum of 7 months before my company feels as though it's safe to go back to the office. I understand the concerns.

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I very much get it. I'll never knock anyone for deciding not to do something that involves lots of people crowding together and traveling during the pandemic.

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Football is outdoors, it is completely different. Also, the players will try harder to not get the virus on campus so they can continue to play. Presidents say they care about the players safety but still have 10 of thousands in dorms on campus. If the presidents shut down everything including practices, games, and closed campus i could actually deal with that. Hard to believe its not political.

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It's more likely to be political in the states that have conferences that are playing. If you are the governors of Texas, Georgia, and Florida and you opened up tattoo parlors an said that pro wrestling was essential before many states opened anything, don't you think that you would take a lot of heat if your state remained a hotspot and football wasn't able to be played?

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Read Eleven Warriors, a wonderful Ohio State blog and you'll see nothing but posts about "liberal Presidents" "ruining" the B1G Ten forever and nothing but #firekevinwarren. Definitely political for the reasons the other side says, "stop making everything political"

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