3-day Watch Grid: Happy Thanksgiving Weekend
Such as it is (the green square is very meaningful, so please study it closely (actually, I think it’s where Alex’s cursor was in the spreadsheet when I took the screenshot, but regardless, please ponder it for a time)):
If you’d like some podcasts to listen to amid whatever hopefully safe activities you’ve got going on, we have:
Shutdown Fullcast’s “weekend” “preview,” which moves from international pizza warfare to armfulls of cheese to the main event: someone having to lose Penn State-Michigan.
Split Zone Duo has a more sober and responsible (but still fun!) preview of what is almost always, and perhaps will be again, the greatest week on the entire college football schedule.
The Fullcast’s “Thanksgiving Disasters” episode is still there. There are lots of exploding turkeys, and I think this might be the one where the MOON thing came from? Maybe.
The whole Moon Crew (plus our friend Tyson Whiting) also gathered on SZD to discuss The Sinful Seven, a project we all adored working on and would like to continue at some point.
Thank you, and please have the best Thanksgiving you can.